The Advantages of Owning a Stair Lift

Published by Stephen on November 14, 2008 Under stair lifts

These devices have been used in homes for more than eighty years, but in the last twenty years, many safety and reliability concerns have been addressed, so using a stair lift is one of the safest and cost friendly ways of allowing access to a staircase.

Many homeowners who have straight staircases, decide to do the installation by themselves or have a family member do it. There are do-it-yourself stair lift kits available, which can typically be installed in several hours. It uses no complicated tools, but since a lot is riding on the lift being installed correctly, you should not attempt the installation if you don’t feel comfortable.

Most companies have online installation manuals available online. It is a good idea to take a look at the steps required to install the lift. If you think you might not feel comfortable doing the installation on your own, most dealers will be able to arrange for a professional certified installation at the time of order.

The cost of a stair lift can vary by model. Usually a battery powered lift costs a little bit more, but it has the advantage of working if the power goes out. They do, however, need replacement batteries, which means they have a higher maintenance cost. The non-battery stair lifts cost less, but if the power goes out, you will not be able to use it. Outdoor stair lifts are some of the more expensive stair lifts available for straight staircase, but they can be used in almost any outdoor environment.

The weight and length of the staircase are also factors that can affect the cost of the stair lift. Generally though, a straight indoor stair lift can be purchased for less than $2,000. As you increase the weight capacity and other features, this price can increase, but straight stair lifts will still usually cost less than $4,000.

While with a straight staircase, even one for the outdoors, you usually spend more than $5,000, a stair lift for a curved staircase can be very pricey. Individuals that have what is basically a straight staircase, with a ninety degree bend towards the bottom, can sometimes find an affordable stair lift solution. These kits are still more expensive than a straight stair lift, but they work with most staircases that have a ninety degree bend.

Those that have a staircase that is curved, might have to have a lift custom built to the individual staircase. This greatly increases not only the cost, but also the time that it takes to manufacture and install the stair lift. For this reason, a residential elevator is commonly chosen in place of a custom built stair lift.

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